Oct 4, 2021 | Summer Work, Summer Work and Travel
Summer Work and Travel by Ace International Job fairs are approaching and we couldn't be more excited, fairs mean a lot to everyone because it is where we go to meet our employers and they meet us, so we look forward to them...
Sep 23, 2021 | Ace International, Summer Work and Travel
Update: visit our most recent article to learn how to apply for summer work and travel 2023. See the article here. Summer Work and Travel by Ace International is an experience you definitely can't miss! ...
Sep 9, 2021 | Summer Camp, Summer Work, Summer Work and Travel
WHAT IS THE AMERICAN SUMMER CAMP? The Summer Camp Program provides the opportunity for international participants to live a unique experience at an American summer camp. These camps are looking for qualified international personnel in...
Sep 6, 2021 | Ace International, Summer Work and Travel
Returning home is as important as signing the Return Book! Great are the days to come and we want to share them with you. You're coming back to the Dominican Republic after a few months of fun, cultural exchange, and...
Sep 2, 2021 | Ace International, Summer Work and Travel
What is Summer Work and Travel? Summer Work and Travel is a cultural and labor exchange program designed by the United States Department of States that provides the opportunity for young university students to visit, meet, learn and exchange...