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7 Online Courses to Improve Pronunciation and Fluency

Nov 4, 2019 | English


If you go to the United States with a J1 Visa, you surely speak the English language, or communicating with it is not difficult for you. But, sometimes you feel like you still need to give a little more to improve pronunciation or fluency. The Internet is full of resources that can help you in that regard.

But the best content available on the Web to improve pronunciation and fluency comes in the form of videos. Watching how people speak helps more than just reading how a particular sound is produced. These videos abound in search engines, such as Youtube and Vimeo. And with them you can make a schedule where you can practice 25 minutes a day to increase your communication skills.

So you can start this week, we have searched for the most viewed on YouTube and we will put them here for you. Make yourself a schedule. In just one week practicing these videos, you will notice a big difference. Luck.

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