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 Do you have any questions about Ace Summer Work or any other Program? If you have already read all the requirements and want to know more, REQUEST INFORMATION>>



Oficina Santo Domingo

Av. Bolívar 195, Torre Corporativa Henriquez, Primer Nivel, Local 102.

Oficina Santiago

Av. Estrella Sadhalá No. 510, Plaza Platinum.

Oficina San Cristóbal

Av. Constitución, #70, Edificio Don Chago.

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Here you will find the most frequently asked questions that those interested in the Ace Summer Work have asked us.

What is the duration of the program?

The minimum duration is 3 months and the maximum is 4 months of work, with a maximum space of one month for vacation, as long as it does not affect your first day of classes of the September-December semester. After his return to the Dominican Republic.

What are the types of jobs?

The jobs assigned by American employers are normally jobs in basic functions such as organizing rooms in hotels, cashiers, waiters, receptionists, cooks, lifeguards, machine operators in parks, etc.

What are the salaries to be received?

Students receive salaries just like any other young American who works in the summer; They are always salaries from the minimum USD$8.50 per hour, depending on the laws of the state you are in, and salaries that amount to up to USD$15.00 per hour.

What is the type of visa?

The J-1 exchange visa: The United States government issues the J-1 visa to individuals who take part in a wide range of exchange programs sponsored by schools, businesses, and a variety of organizations and institutions.

tourist visa

This category J1 visa totally differs from the category B1/B2 visa known as a tourist or pleasure visa, so all those students who have this type of visa will need a category J1 visa to be able to participate in the Summer program.

Is it safe for the consulate to grant the Visa?

Our company, cannot guarantee a visa, since it is the sole and exclusive decision of the consul who conducts the interview at the Embassy of the United States of America, located in the city of Santo Domingo.
