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Tips for traveling by plane for the first time

Who hasn't experienced that feeling of being a little afraid when the time comes to fly on a plane for the first time? Not knowing what the moment of takeoff will be like will not let you think about other elements that you should take into account when preparing your...

How Many College Subjects You Should Be Taking

Has it happened to you that when the time comes to enroll or re-enroll in university you have no idea how many subjects you can take? Yes to everyone. This is due to many factors. The first is the requirements of the subjects, since we cannot do some...

The Bicycle: Excellent Means of Transportation in the United States

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Riding a bicycle provides health; it gives us advantages to reach places quickly when the traffic is atrocious; and it allows us to save everything we would spend on public transport. Visitors with the J1 Visa in the United States...