3 tricks to take your English to another level.

Aug 16, 2022 | English, Tips

Go to an English speaking country

First of all, it is better to go to the destination country, for example, the United States to take that leap to the next level in your English language learning. In other words, you need to get out of your comfort zone to improve your skills and expand your social circle in English.

Precisely in this part at ACE International we help you through our programs, especially the Summer Work and Travel program, a cultural exchange which has already begun preparations for its 2023 edition, so if you are interested in traveling to the United States and having a once in a lifetime experience, count on us and apply today.

Participate in English meetings

Study time can take up a lot of your time and can distract you from studying English.

However, making international friends will help you learn English wonderfully. Even on social networks, you can find meeting sets to practice the language.

Participate in this type of meeting, especially those who are associated with foreigners, will benefit from the language. There you will have the opportunity to practice what you have learned in books in real life.

Think English 

Linguistic thinking also plays an important role in learning and the need to speak like native speakers of a language. For example, Mandarin speakers refer to older people as “grandpa” and “grandma,” even though they are not biologically related.

Change the language of your devices

Devices and websites offer many multilingual features so you can use English on your device. For example, you can set your smartphone language to English, computer language, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.

In conclusion…

Improving your English is important to have a successful cultural exchange, for this reason putting these tricks into practice will ensure a much higher level of your ability to speak English. At ACE we are interested in your personal improvement and that in your participation in the Summer Work you have the tools to live a unique experience on your trip to the United States.

Do you want to participate in one of our programs?

Travel, practice your English, get to know other cultures.
