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6 Things a PARENT should know about Summer Work and Travel – explanatory video

Jun 28, 2022 | Summer Work, Summer Work and Travel

avion despegando con estudiantes que aplicaron al summer work de ace international

The Summer Work and Travel program was created by the US Department of Labor in order to unite cultures. This program was created more than 20 years ago. In the Dominican Republic we have been helping young students to obtain both work and cultural experience for around 16 years.

At Ace International we are in charge of purifying the profiles to give access to the program to those students who have more than 90% to be approved with their visa. In order for the student to obtain their visa, they must go through the North American consulate of the United States in the Dominican Republic.

When the student has to go to the consular interview, they must meet certain requirements that are very simple, these are:

  • university letter
  • Note record
  • Class schedule

Once the student has obtained the DS2019, they will be able to travel according to the date established in said document.

What is DS2019?

It is a legal work permit that certifies that the student is legally in the United States of America for a specific time established with the specific entry and exit dates in this document.

After the date on this work document expires, the student will not be able to continue working in the US. They can vacation, but not work, with the commitment to return to the country to return to their studies. You can also reapply for next year.

The jobs are in different commercial places, such as restaurants, hotels, amusement parks, among others. These jobs do not require previous work experience, the student with a short training of a few days can learn and practice easily.

Ace International with its Summer program allows the student to become independent, since when they arrive in the United States they must be self-supporting.

If you want to know more information about the program, I invite you to subscribe to the channel. This video is an informative forum where we answer some questions that many parents are unaware of about the program.

Explanatory video:


Do you want to participate in one of our programs?

Travel, practice your English, get to know other cultures.
