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Travel to the United States in 2018: Ace Summer Work and Travel Guide

Nov 5, 2019 | Ace Summer, Summer Work

Traveling to the United States has never been easier. You just have to ask yourself a few questions to know if you have the requirements. Are you 18-28 years old? Check. Are you a university student? Check. Do you have basic knowledge of the English language. Check.

If you understand that you meet these requirements, the first thing you should do is request more information about our program. You can do so by writing to us at: [email protected] You can also write to us directly at the offices: [email protected] and [email protected] respectively. You can also request information by WhatsApp, visiting our offices directly, or calling us on our phones. Visit https://aceinternational.com.do/contacto to be able to communicate with us and write to us on WhatsApp.

The information we will send you contains specific details about Summer Work and Travel, duration, types of jobs, salaries, etc. It also contains information about the cost of the program, benefits, what it includes and what it does not include.

The next step is to schedule an appointment with us. Talking to our representatives at Ace International ensures you know whether or not you meet the requirements. Your age, study schedule, and your knowledge of the English language will tell the representative if you have the necessary profile to do a cultural and work exchange in the United States.

Being accepted at Ace International is a great step to embark on an unforgettable vacation that will last 3-4 months, but there are other steps to take. It's up to you if you want to make the first push and be part of this great community of active university students in the United States.

Do you want to participate in one of our programs?

Travel, practice your English, get to know other cultures.
