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Do you want to improve your level of English?

Nov 5, 2019 | Ace International, English, Tips

Many people ask us: What should I do to improve my English? And what they really want to ask, but they don't know, is: “What should I do to improve my listening comprehension?”, since defining hearing in another language is the fundamental task that our brain must do before learning a language. .
Look at it this way.
What we really need to do to speak is listen first. We cannot say a word if we have not heard it before. According to a study carried out at a Japanese university, it takes 10,000 hours (Likewise; you read that right: TEN THOUSAND) listening to people use the English language to get used to the sound, the syllabic structure, the rhythm, the music of a conversation. , and, in this way, being able to understand another person speaking.
Remember that communication is a dialogue between two or more people – in school they told us this every year.
Once you can understand another person speaking, it will be easier for you to communicate.
And, what do we recommend doing to build that bridge of auditory communication? Two words: Spotify and Netflix. (Three, with the “and”)
Listening to music and singing in English has been shown to help a lot when it comes to gaining verbal fluency and listening comprehension. You must listen to music and sing daily. Make yourself a schedule.
Watching movies and series (without subtitles: neither in Spanish nor in English) daily will be able to define that part of the language that we need so much: colloquial conversation; the way people actually talk on a day-to-day basis.
But it is not easy. You should make a study schedule and watch your series, your movies and listen to your music daily.
What do you think? What has impacted your level of English the most?

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