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What to Do When You're Tired of Immersion English

Nov 5, 2019 | Ace International

No one has ever seen an immersion English student who wasn't tired of studying as August approached. It's like seeing a unicorn; impossible. And feeling a little fatigue is totally normal. After all, it was exactly what you agreed to when you signed your application form. Maybe right now you are thinking: “What? No! I did not sign for this. “I’m about to get out.” Well, if so, let us tell you a few things.

To begin with, those who can't quit resign. If you agree that we start calling you: “Who couldn't” that's fine with us. We will introduce you as: do you know my friend “who couldn't”? “You know, the one who gave up English for immersion.” And now you might be thinking that leaving your institute completely abandoned may have a justification. No. It doesn't. Any problem can be requested. Here we will list some situations and their possible solutions. Join us if you are still interested in finishing your English through immersion or if it is just another reason to read a List.

Who doesn't like lists?

Problem Number One – “I'm not learning”

Oh really? Do you think that because some of your peers already sound like Brad Pitt when they talk (some like Arnold Schwarzenegger) and you're past the halfway mark, you won't be able to speak better? Of course. I'm fascinated by Arnold's accent. It tells people that you speak two languages when you go to another country. :p Furthermore, a large percentage of students who have great command of the language is because they have previously interacted with the English language, and for this reason they put it at an intermediate or advanced level. Also, doesn't that tell you that the more interaction you have with the language, the better you will speak? Exactly, right? Giving up halfway is not the solution.

Problem Number Two – “I get very tired”

Bla bla bla. You work, you are at university and you also study English. Well, buddy, you decided to work and study and be in school at the same time. Do some introspection and analyze what is most important right now. I think that something that lasts only 10 months and gives you the guarantee of speaking a second language (in addition to being free) has a great weight in the degree of importance. For the university for one semester. What you will gain in return has a greater impact than wanting to graduate early.

Problem Number Three – “I'm always late”

AND? How late could you arrive? According to the policies of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, you have up to 16 hours a month to be late. No more from there. And if your boss is not giving you those hours to leave earlier, talk to her or him, and ask to be able to arrive at work earlier so that you can leave an hour early to your school. Explain how important this is to you. She will understand. Otherwise quit and you'll get a better job later. Just kidding, don't quit. But everything in life is solved by talking. Open your heart and put different options on the table that they cannot refuse.

There is nothing more rewarding than speaking a second language. Keep trying. Study more. Go to your favorite bookstore and buy a novel in English. Read it every night, and remember that there is no situation that does not have a solution.

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