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Steps to do the Ace Summer Work & Travel 2020

Nov 5, 2019 | Summer Work

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To do a cultural exchange in the United States, you must be 18-28 years old.

However, there are some things students should know before applying. Normally, a person starts studying from the age of 18, this is true in most countries. In the Dominican Republic, if you are, let's say, 28 years old, and you are a student at university, but you are still halfway through your degree, these factors are decisive when it comes to doing the Summer Work. Thus, the time you have been studying a degree, when you started it, and whether you were active or not, are essential information that is taken into account when carrying out this cultural exchange. For this reason, you must first be accepted by our agencies where we conduct interviews with you.

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You must be an active university student to be able to do the Summer Work in the United States.

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Being an active student means many things. In our program, we look for students who have started college and have followed it all the way.

We know that there are circumstances that cause a person to stop college for a semester, but when there is a pattern in a student's educational attainment, that behavior is not essential to our agency.

Another thing to take into account is the number of credits you have given. This may vary depending on the person's age or when they started studying. If you apply and you are 18 years old, it is obvious that as long as you have completed a given semester, and have been studying the next one, you can apply with us. But if you are 22 years old, and have started university since you were 18, and have no more than one semester, that behavior will be reflected in your application and interview form.

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You must have basic knowledge of the English language to apply for Summer Work and Travel. The interview will be in Spanish and English.

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We do an interview in English to find out if you have basic knowledge.

If you are comfortable answering personal questions, where you live, what you study, where you learned the language, or how you learned it, then you have basic knowledge. If you can answer questions about your age, your family, friends, travel-related vocabulary, then you can be satisfied that you have an A2 level according to the Common European Framework, and this level is sufficient to do the Summer Work.

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Do you want to participate in one of our programs?

Travel, practice your English, get to know other cultures.
