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Cultural and Labor Exchange: Travel with Ace International

Nov 5, 2019 | Ace International

To do a Cultural and Labor Exchange with Ace International, you must follow the following steps. Make sure you are between 18 and 28 years old. You must be an active university student, and you must have knowledge of the English language. The following guide will help you obtain the necessary points to travel to the United States during your vacation from university for a period of 4 months.

Age to apply.

The age to apply is 18 to 28 years of age. However, if you are 17 years old and will turn 18 years old before May of the year in which the trip would take place, in this case 2018, then you can apply. Likewise, if you are already 28 years old you can apply, as long as you are 28 years old still returning to the Dominican Republic. For example, you apply when you are 28 years old and older in May 2018, if you do not turn 29 while in the United States, you can apply. But if you turn 29 while there, no. Certain conditions apply to older people (eg, subjects taken, having always been active in the university, being close to graduating, etc.).


Active student.

Being an active student means being at university and not having dropped semesters or quarters over and over again. For example, sometimes we find ourselves in a position to have to stop university for some reason. If we did it several times in a year or two, this could affect your application because you would look like a person who has not been stable in their teaching process.

On the other hand, a person who has just started university and has not finished their first semester cannot apply yet since they do not have the minimum credits given to do so. You must expect to have had your subjects published and that they meet the minimum credits, that is, the approval of at least one semester of university. Here age has a lot of influence, since an 18-year-old person who has just started university would have no problems applying if he only has one semester; However, someone 25 years old who only shows one published quarter may have difficulty applying.

 Knowledge of the English language.

According to the Common European Framework, the English levels are the following: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. A1 is a level that in many institutes is known as Basic English. A2, is also basic English but with more advanced communication skills. An A1 can go to the United States and not get lost, communicate with the natives, talk about various topics, go shopping, talk about family and have a vocabulary to be able to “survive” in an English-speaking environment.

Both A1 and A2 are sufficient levels to be able to do cultural exchange, meet other people, go to museums, the cinema, malls, art galleries, the beach, talk to people from different cultures, work in any work environment, and walking along the avenues at least seeing little lights and advertisements. 🙂

Follow us on social networks and you will see how a large community of ACE Students have had the opportunity to increase their level of English, meet people from other cultures, and develop personally and professionally.

Do you want to participate in one of our programs?

Travel, practice your English, get to know other cultures.
