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The Dominican Clock

Nov 5, 2019 | Ace International

Dominicans who visit the United States must redesign the clock that drives us to complete activities on time such as: recreational activities, getting to work on time and remembering to feed our cat.
This is important because our clock tends to be a little different when we decide to attend an event. For example, we are told it will happen at 5:00 PM and we show up at 6:00 PM. If it is a party, our lateness is unfortunately justified by our society, which understands that being late to a party is a symbol of self-independence and respect. In the United States this couldn't be further from the truth.
American time is a time that is respected. Arriving on time to our activities and to our work area not only says a lot about our intentions, but it is also our obligation to be early for such an event. Not being so will not disorient the creator of the event or our boss, since he or she does not understand that you only had a Dominican watch on your wrist: he understands that in reality you had a valid emergency that justifies your lateness.
However, when you get past the excuses about traffic, that your bus got a flat tire, that the subway line derailed, that a meteorite fell, that your stomach hurt from having eaten the cat's food, or that there was a very long line at the ATM because you needed money to go to a party at night for which you planned to be late... there is nothing left but a simple doubt, totally reasonable, about the quality of your intentions about how to live in an organized society.
To avoid this, adjust your schedule so that you conclude your activities early and arrive at the places 15 minutes early. The irony is that no one remembers who arrives early (since this is normal) but everyone remembers who arrives late.

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