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Thank you! | You're Iceaa Welcome Party!

Nov 4, 2019 | Summer Work


Ace Summer

The Ace Summer has come to an end.

Is it?

Not remove. Our students are having a lot of fun on their way back to the country. Just a few weeks before the Summer Work was finished, they were already creating the memories that will give them happiness for the rest of their lives.

The Sun can set as much as it wants, but it will never end our Ace Summer experience.

They can go out with their friends, climb a mountain, go to their favorite landmarks of the city, or play at the beach (pool).

The Summer Work is a lot of fun. And you might think that all will end once they come back to the DR? It won't. Ace International, as part of the International Cultural Exchange Agencies Association (ICEAA) will be waiting for them at its Iceaa Welcome Party.

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Iceaa Welcome Party

The Iceaa Welcome Party is our way to thank you for being part of this amazing culture: the cultural exchange. Ace International feels blessed for having people like you absorb the positive impact of a country and translate that experience into developed feedback. A feedback that we use to learn and be a better people.

You have no idea how much you are contributing to the country by being part of the Summer Exchange Program that the United States Department of State, and the sponsors, foster with the intention of increasing value to a community.

The Party

We encourage you to come to the party and tell your story. That story that left a mark on you. That story that others will listen to at the Iceaa Welcome Party.

Tell us how you printed out your way in the United States. Do tell us how others respond to your culture. Tell us what other people do different, or the same, from us. Tell us. We are going to listen; and we are going to spread the word.

Iceaa is waiting for you.

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Do you want to participate in one of our programs?

Travel, practice your English, get to know other cultures.
