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English By Immersion: Tips for Graduates

Nov 4, 2019 | Graduates, English

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Mistake Number One

The biggest mistake an English immersion graduate can make is not going on graduation day. This may sound a bit exaggerated. However, this day gives relief to your soul after having been tortured by months (that seemed like years) of English after English, and teachers who don't say a word in Spanish; from leaving at 10 at night to do university assignments, or completing reports on your work because ENGLISH BY IMMERSION DIDN'T GIVE YOU TIME. But our country, the MESCYT, deserve our gratitude and we will give it to them with much excitement and enthusiasm.

Error Number Two

Believing that you already know English and that you don't need to study more. Go figure. You spend RD$100 to RD$200 pesos DAILY to go to your study center. Hard hours, above the 4 in person, studying the language weekly. You miss out on the best series (unless you have Netflix), and the best movies (unless you have Netflix), and great moments with your partner (unless you have Netflix) to dedicate to a language that you are passionate about, What enriches you, what has made you a better person, so that after you graduate you don't even want to WATCH a movie in English? Or read a book, an article, a newspaper in that language? Do not make the mistake of many, who do not practice for more than a year what they learned in English by immersion and then forget it. That's how it is. What is not practiced is forgotten.

Error Number Three

Don't multiply your horizons. The Dominican Republic is the second Spanish-speaking country with the best English-speaking rate. But we can take the banner away from Argentina (who is the Hispanic country with the best English) by opening our horizons to different cultures. Yes. We can find people to chat with online, friends or family who already speak the language, but traveling to a country where English is a mother tongue will help us strengthen what we have learned. If you have the opportunity to travel to the United States for a few months, do it. Your English will thank you.


Do you want to participate in one of our programs?

Travel, practice your English, get to know other cultures.
