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IMPORTANT: Ace Summer Work 2019: Information about the VAC

Nov 4, 2019 | Summer Work


The process of carrying out the cultural exchange has been long, friendly and unforgettable. You are already completing the final steps to arrive in the United States to catapult your cultural horizons for 4 months. These are the last steps to take:


The passport is the official document of your country in a foreign land. It is the identification that tells another country that you are a Dominican citizen. In order to have your fingerprints taken at the VAC you must have your passport at hand. You will not be able to take your fingerprints if you do not have your passport with you.


To attend the VAC (VISA Assistance Center) you must follow a protocol. At the same time, you cannot enter with battery operated devices, or electronics such as smartphones. Leave it at home! You won't need it then.

  • You cannot enter with large bags and purses, or suitcases.
  • Entering with food is prohibited; neither liquids.
  • Envelopes or closed packages, cigarettes, matches, or any device that could create a fire.

Sharp objects, pliers, pepper spray, aerosols, weapons or explosive materials are not permitted. Always remember to have an impeccable attitude and a casual appearance. Bermuda shorts are not allowed.

You must do this entire process before your consular interview. Once you have gone to the VAC and taken your fingerprints, you must prepare for the consular interview by bringing a series of documents.


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